Introducing Fireside Chats with Artist John Moore
Stories shared around a fire is an ancient tradition that is still so magical and captivating today. But amidst our busy lives, we often miss the opportunity to be mesmerised by nature’s elements, or don’t take the moment to be inspired by new stories. As an artist and storyteller, and with the ability to communicate with the natural world as a shaman, I’d like to invite you to join me around my fire as I share some of the stories that are layered within my artworks.
Each artwork I create has some charge, story and inspiration in it. With this in mind, I shall be discussing different artworks – some old, some new – in a series of virtual Fireside Chats, which will let you in on the concepts and ideas behind the artworks, why I created specific pieces, my philosophy, the stories woven into my images, and the themes that run through them.
First Fireside Chat: Waiting For The Tide To Turn
I created this image in 2020. It is a 40 x 70cm etching. In this work, I talk about the myths and legends that ancient man revered, how he explored the universe through mathematics, magic, alchemy and change, and the discoveries he made about truths of our very existence.
The hunter-gatherer tribes loved and respected nature, and only used what was necessary of the land. They would only take enough so that the next season’s plants could multiply, and used the whole antelope to feed the tribe. In San culture, “the first world” was a world where man and animals were able to communicate and understand one another. As time moved on into present day, we find ourselves in a world where humans have forgotten this sacred language. Through my art, however, I reveal how we can reconnect to this place of unity.
During my Fireside Chats I will discuss why I’ve placed some key objects in the work, the philosophy behind them, why the rhino sits on top and describe the selection of animals surrounding him. It will be a feast for the ears to hear what this work means. We’ll talk about the discarded “sacred objects”, why they are in the world and the meaning behind them, why the background is night, and the reason for the coelacanths, floating whales and the comet falling from the sky!
I look forward to sharing my fire and my stories with you on Thursday, 17 June at 4:30pm (GMT+2, South Africa Time) on Facebook Live on
When: Thursday, 17 June at 4:30pm (GMT+2, South Africa Time)
Where: Join me live on Facebook on
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
Artwork: Waiting For The Tide To Turn, 40 x 70cm Etching